Wednesday, February 13, 2013

First and foremost

Swanky, sixteen, and and totally submerged into the world of fashion. Im just a regular high school girl(at a Quaker school), and with regular high school comes, of course, the *dun dun dun*..... regular fashion.Lets be honest. we're all kinda over cami's under v necks, wearing those oh so fabulous classic camel Uggs EVERY day, and the immensely glorified... wait for it.... North. Face. Jacket. Like com'mon people, lets think outside the box? or maybe even cut a hole in it and peer through like a window. Im fine with peering. Peering is good.

Although... speaking of a box reminds me of my fabulous life motto: "always keep one foot out of the box" now, you're probably wondering what sense this makes.. so let me explain. The one foot inside gives you room to wear your Uggs, be part of whats hip in school, and follow up with those trends that everyone is involved with. The one foot out is whats interesting. That one little foot, is your foot of dreams, your foot of fun, experiment, and wonder, and individuality. we love that foot. embrace the foot.  Sometimes you just have to be the trend setter, the one that does something (heaven forbid) different! Just try it.. and tell me how it goes. you'll get a kick from finding out who your biggest fans are. 

I really dont have a perfectly drawn out plan for this blog. As of now it's sort of an etch A sketch whose horizontals and verticals don't make perfect sense. It could go anywhere from how a rando chick dressed in school that day... to my ideas of how I'll hopefully intern for Vogue one of these days. Right now I just can't wait to see who listens :)

Swank, xoxo

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